We have invested in the very latest surgical equipment to enable us to perform laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery. This will enable us to offer keyhole spays and retained testicle surgery as well as less invasive biopsy procedures.

Spaying (neutering) your female dog has many health benefits and can now be performed in both a safer and more painless way here at Drake Vets.

Spaying can reduce the risk of mammary tumours, and completely prevent ovarian tumours, unplanned pregnancies, and potentially life-threatening uterine infections. Spaying can also help with behavioural problems.

Laparoscopic ovariectomy, or ‘lap spay’, is a minimally invasive surgical procedure which is now considered to be the gold standard in neutering for female dogs.

Advancements in surgical techniques and equipment now mean that spaying can be completed with a significantly reduced recovery time, reduced pain, and a lower risk of complications.

This surgical technique uses two very small (1 – 2cm) keyhole ports to enter the abdomen of a female dog. The first allows camera access to give a clear image of the internal organs. The other incision allows for surgical instruments to enter cleanly, removing the dog’s ovaries.

This form of surgery has significant advantages over the alternative method.

Less painful

The incision made between the muscles of the abdominal wall during a traditional spay is between 5cm and 7cm long. These incisions are more traumatic than the small incisions made during the laparoscopic procedure.

Removing the ovaries during laparoscopic surgery is much more controlled, too. The ovaries are suspended by a long ligament with broad attachments to the body wall, and during keyhole surgery these are precisely cauterised and cut, as opposed to the stretching and tearing needed during a traditional spay.

This results in far less pain both during and after the surgery, making for a more comfortable overall experience.


Magnification, lighting and inflating the abdomen during lap spays allows clear visualisation of the abdominal organs and surgical site. This means the procedure is both safer and often quicker than a traditional spay.

No collars required

Traditional incisions in the abdomen are significantly larger than the laparoscopic incisions. Our traditional spays tend to go home with either an Elizabethan collar or a medical pet shirt. Most of our laparoscopic patients are uninterested in their wounds, and generally no form of wound protection is required.

Quick road to recovery

One of the greatest benefits of lap-spay is its significantly shorter recovery period. Dogs undergoing standard spaying are usually left recuperating for 10 to 14 days. Keeping young and active dogs restricted for this length of time can be a real challenge for owners.

With a lap-spay, your dog can be spayed, rested, and back to normal in as little as two to three days – meaning less stress for both of you during the recovery period.

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See our Contact Us page for our appointment times and call Drake Vets on 01822 854 255 to book.